*20 Years of Snow
*A Skeleton of Something More
*Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt
*In a Sweater Poorly Knit
I am beginning to feel great about this series. The good news is that I probably will be working for quite awhile now, at least until after Spring Break...I will be at home in Milwaukee over spring break so those photos will be set in my house. The house where Angel lived while she was still alive. They will follow more along the lines of "In a Sweater Poorly Knit" with me embodying her, and wearing her collar, etc. One idea involves drinking milk from a bowl.
Over this time I also hope to shoot a series of images called "Kissing the Lipless". These I am very excited for.
The semester is indeed getting busy. Tonight I am working on not only my photos (the irony is that these aren't due for awhile yet) but also my textiles project based off of the book/movie "A Clockwork Orange"...I plan on posting photos of that on here and my deviantart...along with my epic works of last semester, particularly two drawings and my "self portrait/sacred and profane" textiles project. And stuff from Photo II. I also would like to begin working on the two drawings with octopi and eyeballs that I feel very compelled to create. I should be doing my graphics homework right now...I'm not...at least it isn't due until 6pm tomorrow. Posting some Graphics from last semester would be a good idea too.
Ending note: I still haven't constructed any jellyfish. And I feel naked without my ideabook.
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