Every year, my mom's side takes a week to rent a lodge to vacation at in Conover, WI just north of Eagle River. The lodge is fondly known as "Papahawk". It is always a great week there, I love that side of the family to death and its a week full of swimming in the lake, campfires, eating a meal cooked by a different family each night, playing games...just being lazy. Shopping, rafting, gokarting, and horseback riding were mixed in there too. Either way, although the weather wasn't the best...I managed to get some pretty shots. Northern Wisconsin is so beautiful, no matter how much you might feel like you are in the middle-of-nowhere.
As of Saturday I am back in Menomonee Falls finishing up my last month of summer break. It is crunchtime to get work done for my show, but aside from working I think I might be able to get it done. Back to reality, and soon enough back to Green Bay. Stay tuned as I attempt to finish my wad of work! :D
Speaking of your show, when is it?
I like the look of your latest work :) I think you're making good choices in composition :) see you soon!
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