Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Branding (Snowboard, T-Shirt, Logo Design)

Tonight in my Design Arts Studio II class, we had a critique for our first project--branding. We had to design a logo for a snowboarding company along with tshirts and snowboards. My design is a play off ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN (yetis, etc). The company name, ABOM, is a shortened version of ABOMINABLE but carries a double meaning with the a-bomb/atomic bomb idea. My characters are angry snowballs so they aren't directly yeti, and the shirts and boards are gender-specific. This was a very fun project for me, so I am excited for the other projects yet-to-come this semester.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Update on 407 Show

Hello all. Just letting you know that a spot opened up in the 407 gallery so my show will be Oct 26-30th. :D

Further details will follow in the couple weeks prior to the show.

Within the next two days I will finally get around to posting examples of the senior photos I took. So be sure to check back!!!