Sunday, March 1, 2009

Studio I and creative blocks

I haven't posted for a few days--because nothing new has been created. I'm in artist standby mode, basically. Above is an assignment for Graphics Studio I that was critiqued and turned in last week. We had to design a display font, I call my design "Skworm". Our next project has to do with the program InDesign and researching a font designer. I'm not too thrilled about this assignment, it sounds rather bland and I'm not yet friends with InDesign--the program and I tend to make enemies. I would love to photograph today. I have two willing friends/models visiting from my hometown. However, I am rather stumped at what creative aim to take. I have ideas written down but the gears in my brain are stuck and need to be spinning like crazy again. The drive is there, just not the brain juice...if that analogy works at all. I ought to go work on the loom today too, and draw the octopus.

Why do I have a feeling that this coming week is going to suck??

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